DPW has supplied us with the final project plan for the flood wall project that will be sent in for pre-approval, CLOMR. CLOMR stands for Conditional Letter of Map Revision. This is an opportunity to have FEMA look at the plans and pre-approve the flood works project and/or let DPW know what changes need to be made to the design. This will take approximatley 1 year to gp through the process. The plan could change after being reviewed by FEMA.
We will be talking further about this latest plan at our meeting on 4/9/24 at our regularly scheduled town board meeting and will see aboout setting up a public meeting to review the drawings a little more closely. We are planning to have larger, printed plans for review.
The biggest changes we see on these plans so far is the addition of where drains and lift stations along the flood wall.
In the meantime, please take a look over the plan and submit your questions to all three town councilors so we can get those questioned answered from what we know or submit those questions to DPW for answers.
Please email us at: