Due to the rescheduling of the June monthly Rocky Ripple Town Council meeting to 07-Jun-2022,…
Author: townweb
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June Rocky Ripple Town Council Meeting Change Notice; Will Meet Tuesday, 07-Jun Instead of 14-Jun-2022
As two Rocky Ripple Town Councilors will be unavailable to meet on the date of…
Dan Parker, DPW to attend May 10th Rocky Ripple Town Board Meeting
NEWS FLASH: Dan Parker, Director of City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) will…
Rocky Ripple Town Council Position Paper on Latest DPW Floodwall Plans
The Rocky Ripple Town Council has put together a position paper that explains where we…
Best wishes to everyone for the new year!
The first Rocky Ripple Town Council meeting of the new year will be on Tuesday,…
Rocky Ripple Town Council Monthly Floodwall Project Meetings with DPW 2022
The Zoom meeting ID for 2022 Rocky Ripple Town Council Monthly Floodwall Project Meetings with…

REMINDER: Meeting is Tonight! Rocky Ripple Floodwall Status Update Meeting with DPW on Wed. Dec 8, 2021
Rocky Ripple Residents: Please be advised that our next Rocky Ripple Floodwall Status Update meeting…
Rocky Ripple Comm Assoc Upcoming Events
Hello Rocky Ripple, Your Rocky Ripple Community Association thanks you for another great Festival year!…
Heads Up – Borings Underway in Rocky Ripple Week of October 11th
Borings associated with the Rocky Ripple Floodwall project will occur throughout the neighborhood the week…
Heads Up – Borings Underway in Rocky Ripple Week of October 11th
Borings associated with the Rocky Ripple Floodwall project will occur throughout the neighborhood the week…