Rocky Ripple Town Ordinance Updates

The Rocky Ripple Town Council has made updates to the town ordinances as follows: Added Internal Controls policy under Title 1, Chapter 3.  Added new Title 1 Article 5: Driveway Permitting. Renumbered Article 5: Miscellaneous to Article 6.  Changed terminology referring to Town Trustees, Town Board to consistently be referred to as Town Council. Removed obsolete terminology such as icebox and deep freeze from ordinances.

The revised ordinances are posted here for public review and comment prior to making the changes effective. This is planned to be voted upon at the 09-Mar-2021 Rocky Ripple Town Council meeting. Links to a marked up copy of the current ordinances, as well as the proposed final copy with changes incorporated are provided below. Contact any member of the town council if you have comments or questions about the proposed changes.