Please find an update below on the Rocky Ripple floodwall project from DPW Stormwater Administrator,…
Monthly Rocky Ripple Floodwall Meeting Change Notice; Will Meet Monday, 06-Jun Instead of 13-Jun-2022
Due to the rescheduling of the June monthly Rocky Ripple Town Council meeting to 07-Jun-2022,…
June Rocky Ripple Town Council Meeting Change Notice; Will Meet Tuesday, 07-Jun Instead of 14-Jun-2022
As two Rocky Ripple Town Councilors will be unavailable to meet on the date of…
Update on property acquisition process from DPW
As the Rocky Ripple floodwall project progresses, residents have requested more information related to the…
Dan Parker, DPW to attend May 10th Rocky Ripple Town Board Meeting
NEWS FLASH: Dan Parker, Director of City of Indianapolis Department of Public Works (DPW) will…
Recording from the DPW Meeting on 2/9/2022 Now Available
The recording from the Wednedsay 2/9/2022 meeting with DPW is now available. We did have…
Presentation from DPW 2/9/2022 to Rocky Ripple with Updated Flood Protection Plan We apologize if you receive this meeting notification twice. A hiccup on the website…
Rocky Ripple Town Council Monthly Floodwall Project Meetings with DPW 2022
The Zoom meeting ID for 2022 Rocky Ripple Town Council Monthly Floodwall Project Meetings with…
Link to recording and slides are now available from the meeting with DPW on 12/8/21.
If you could not attend or were not able to access the meeting with DPW…

REMINDER: Meeting is Tonight! Rocky Ripple Floodwall Status Update Meeting with DPW on Wed. Dec 8, 2021
Rocky Ripple Residents: Please be advised that our next Rocky Ripple Floodwall Status Update meeting…